Sunday, January 3, 2016

The First Sunday

You know, I feel like on Sundays I think about a lot of stuff. (It may not seem like it in my video, but it's true.) I think about my upcoming week, how I will improve, the events that happened in the past week, and I reflect on myself. How am I doing? Do I still like myself? What's something I want to do to be happier with myself? Sometimes I don't really think of anything to change, and that's okay. I think it's okay to be content with myself. The year consists of a solid 365 days, and if I'm feeling a little stubborn about not wanting to change myself or improve, I'd say that I'll just try again next week. Usually by the end of the week, I find some new motivation anyways.

There's pros and cons to "time passing." It's great because you know that time will always pass. It's a concept that's unchanging. Time won't freeze no matter what. When I'm stressed and it feels like I'm being overwhelmed by a pile of things to consider, I know that time will keep moving, and eventually, I will be okay. It's kind of like when I get sick. Once I'm sick, I never feel totally healthy again until I've already stopped thinking about it and I'm about to get sick again. When things get hard, all I can think about is how hard it is, but next thing I know, time has kept moving and I have stopped thinking about it.
Time passing can also be a bad thing, though. Sometime s you just really need time to stop, to be able to do all the things that you want to do - and accomplish all the things you want to accomplish - without needing to put in less effort than you intend. I guess that's why I think it's sometimes important to just live in the moment. Without trying to make this into a "boo technology" post, I do think that sometimes we make a bigger deal out of things that don't really matter because "connecting" with hundreds of people is so easy to do now, and that becomes our life instead of actually connecting with people. 

Bahaha! This post is probably really incoherent, but I have a lot of incoherent thoughts right now. Hahaha that's okay!

Here's my video for the day. :)

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