Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What's A Liebstar Award?

I was nominated for this but I have no idea what it is, nor what it could possibly mean. Nonetheless, my beautiful and wonderful friend, McKenzie from In The Mix gave me this great honor! She's awesome, and hilarious, and definitely one of the weirdest people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting! Haha So without further ado...

1. What is your favorite section of the grocery store?
Probably that produce area. I like to think that I'm healthy. But if we're talking about my favorite section to buy from... Juice. Definitely the juice section. I probably drink more than juice than water. Juice IS my water. ...That's probably not the healthiest thing, but ya know... VITAMIN C.

2. How do you plan to survive the zombie apocalypse?
I don't.

3. What is the color of your carpet?
In Provo: What carpet?
In Arizona: The same color as my dog.

4. What is the current status of your food storage?

Uhhh.... We have a shelf full of pasta boxes! (I'll post a picture later.)

5. What would you want written on your tombstone?
"Died happy." Or something along those lines. The status of my death. (Hopefully I die happy!)

6. If you were a worm, how long would you be?

Hahahaha Whuuuuut. Uh. Not long at all. The length of my thumbs! (I'll post a picture later.)

7. Why does X stand for kiss and O stand for hug?

Because it's the shapes! Xs are kind of like lips locking, and Os are like arms around each other! (Did I get it right?!)

8. If you could only answer one of these questions which one would it be?

The zombie apocalypse one!

9. If you met the president what would be your one question for him?

Have you ever heard of the Book of Mormon? etc.... 

(Are these questions supposed to be about blogging?)
10. Why did you start blogging?

Because McKenzie (the girl who nominated me) inspired me! And I figured it be nice to have a place where I can write happy things about my life! (My journals are quite depressing...)

Next, next, next! I'd like to nominate my dear friend, Nicole over at Small and Simple Things. :) Maybe help her with her blog goals.

So here are your questions...

1. Who inspires you, and why?
2. What's an embarrassing moment you've experienced?
3. What frightens you beyond belief?
4. What is something you've tried once, but would rather never try/do again?
5. What song makes you cry every time?
6. If you could show your blog to anyone specifically, who would it be?
7. If you were famous for something, what would it be?
8. What do you enjoy about blog writing so far?
9. In what ways do you want your blog to grow?
10. If someone asked you about blogging, what would you tell them?

I hope you are well!!! Good luck, and have fun with this! :)

Friday, February 14, 2014

< 3

I feel like I may have talked about this on Facebook or something last year, but Valentine's Day is about love!!! It doesn't really matter if you're in a relationship or single... What matters is that you love and feel loved. (Let me know if you haven't been feeling loved. I can help you out.) So without further ado, Happy Valentine's Day! :)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Testimony Tuesday

I love my alliterations... can't you tell? :)
Anyways, I don't plan on doing this every Tuesday, but I felt like I wanted to share some spiritual things.

Gilbert, AZ Temple (Taken by Jennie Byers)
First of all, in case whoever is reading this doesn't know, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Please feel free to go to mormon.org for more details.), and I love it! I have had (and still sometimes have) my fair share of trials, and I don't know where I'd be without this gospel. The doctrines that are taught regarding the Savior's Atonement, and of God's love, have saved me so many times.

So the question one might ask from this would be, "Can't you learn that from anywhere? What's so great about this church?" My response: I don't know! I mean, I do, but I don't. I know that this is the Lord's true church. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet called of God, and that he restored this church with guidance from the Lord. How do I know? I just do! Through personal interactions and experiences with no one but myself and Heavenly Father, I have built a testimony of these things being true. I also know that He loves me, and that He does answer my prayers, which means that He's there! He exists! He lives! And while I am grateful for the blessing of knowing these things, I also have a testimony that anyone and everyone can be blessed with this knowledge.

No, I'm not trying to convince you to join the church (although it'd be pretty cool if you do), I am just expressing my feelings. I want all to know that they can pray. It doesn't really matter how you pray, as long as you "come unto [Him] with a broken heart and a contrite spirit" (3 Nephi 12:19 in the Book of Mormon). I've prayed the "Mormon-traditional" way of kneeling, folding my arms, and bowing my head, but I've also prayed in my car (parked), looking up, with my hands in my lap... He answers, is present in both ways, and all ways. I have felt His presence as I prayed. "Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart" (Doctrine and Covenants 8:2).

If you are confused or feel like you don't understand what I'm saying, or if you are a member and just feel like you haven't been feeling His presence lately, I highly encourage praying out loud. In my personal experience, that is when I have felt His spirit the most. It may feel stupid and awkward. You may feel like you're crazy. But after you're done praying out loud, just wait. Wait for Him to fill you with peace and comfort, before you go off saying, "I don't feel like anything's changed. Now I feel dumb. I'm never doing this again. etc." I promise, that He is with you; and He is waiting for you to come unto Him. I don't know if this is appropriate, but I leave these things on the internet for the world to see, in the name of my Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, Amen. :)

*NOTE: I do not speak for the whole church. These things are not endorsed by the church or by the general authority, but is definitely written through the Spirit. These are my own individual thoughts and feelings that may or may not apply to other people. etc. Also, this was not meant to offend anyone. Please excuse me if it does. If you have contradicting feelings either against the church, or against the things I have said, I ask that you share them with me in private, or elsewhere. I would rather not have contention caused by my post. Thanks!

Mx3 - Sungha Jung

Man... These are gonna end up being a Tuesday thing with my record. But then there won't be any alliterations! D: Anyways...

Here's the Monday Music Muse of the week! :)
His name is Sungha Jung. He's a 17-year old Korean fingerstyle genius. I discovered him maybe 3 years ago and his covers still blow me away. When I close my eyes and think about it, I can't believe it's coming from just one guitar.
This music muse doesn't really have any deep thoughts behind it. It just never ceases to amaze me. :)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Delayed MMM

I may not be doing super great with the whole Fearless Friday thing, but I REALLY want to keep up with my Music Muses. :) SO! My delayed MMM...

"Demons" by Imagine Dragons
(Please watch the video if you have not seen it before.)
So please excuse me, but for my analysis of sorts, I plan on using my personal interpretations and personal feelings regarding this song. If you can relate, then great; if not, feel free to just continue reading out of intrigue... Or don't read at all! Haha
Whenever I hear this song, or watch this music video, I just think... We all have our things. And I think of the sins that I've done, and how I have a fear of being vulnerable. I remember the times that I've felt utterly hopeless because of my past. I think about how I wanted to hide that part away from everyone. I still do.
I mean, I've been making changes in my life that have been helping me get through life despite my past, so it's not so bad. But the memory of the darkness I felt is powerful when I hear this song. While this song may not be particularly "hopeful," it reminds me of when I struggled, and how I feel proud to have made it to where I am today. When I sing along to this song, it feels freeing. Like I am admitting to the fact that, yes. I have my Demons, too. I'm not perfect. Nor do I have to be. I am even revealing the fact that I don't want people to get to close to me. I don't want to feel vulnerable. And that is freeing in itself, as well. Either way... I feel a connection to this song.

This is kind of a weird post and my thoughts probably seem a little scattered, but it feels good. :)

Spontaneous Excuse

I know that I've been slacking, but I have a good reason! This past weekend has been insanely amazing! So...... My friends have been planning a trip to go to Disneyland for at least a month now, and I was planning on going, but decided that I probably shouldn't for financial reason. When the day of departure came, 2 of the 3 drivers decided to not go anymore, but were still willing to pay for someone to go in their stead, so I was re-invited 7 hours before the time to leave. I was convinced seeing that it was basically free and they mostly needed another driver. So, a couple of hours later, I decide to go. We had a cleaning check, so I did that for a couple of hours after I got out of my class at 4, passed off the cleaning check, and did homework until the time we planned on leaving... 8PM. I asked to get off of work for the night, and it was fine as long as I was back in time for work on Sunday. And here's the extra kicker... It was my first time driving stick shift. It was awesome. And we were off! :)

So here are some photos of my very spontaneous Disneyland adventures!

Seriously, my favorite ride at Disneyland.