Monday, January 27, 2014

M^3: San Francisco

I know, I know. I didn't do Fearless Friday. But look! I'm doing my Monday Music Muse, so I'm still kind of on top of things...? Haha

ANYways, my MMM for today is... San Francisco by The Mowgli's!
I seriously want to make a music video of my roommates to this song. It's like... our theme song. It's our go-to song to sing to. In fact, I'm going to dedicate this post to all of my lovely roommates because half of them are sick. <3 I not only love this song because of my roommates, I love the lyrics. It's all about love! It doesn't cost a single penny to just be a little bit nice to someone. So reach a hand out, say hi to someone new, heck, just smile at everyone! I'll admit, this is something I'd like to work on some more, but this song is really inspiring! Just love.

Here's the thing about "love." It's both overused, and and not used enough.
There are some people who use "the L word" as if it's some other word like "the," or "ok." Making it almost meaningless whenever that individual uses it. Then there are other people who don't say it enough to the people they care about. I know that we all have different love languages, but I think it's healthy for both parties to just say it every once in a while (and mean it). :) Which brings me to my point: say it just enough for it to be known and meaningful.
I've been saying it more often recently, but I feel like, if it feels right, then just say it. I'm not going to over-think it and be concerned if "they take it the wrong way" or "should I have said that?" It feels right to say it, and for all I know, maybe they really needed to hear it from someone that day, hour, or minute. We all gotta stop stressing about "LOVE." <3

Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday Music Muse

So this is another themed day idea I had to help motivate me to continue updating my blog. This is a more common idea, but I love music and I always find something that impresses or inspires me. For these music muses, I want to be sure that I post a song that really does inspire me or means something to me personally.

The first song I'm going to post is Matisyahu's "One Day."
I am choosing this song for a couple of reasons. First, I sang it last night at my ward prayer. It was terrifying and I couldn't have done it without my lovely roommate, Meka. Note: That was kind of like my second time performing in front of people. Second, these lyrics. They're freakin' amazing. "One day we'll all be free, and proud to be, under the same sun, singing song songs of freedom..." Peace and love, friends. Not only in the country, but across the world. I'm taking a Multicultural Education class and it's just helped me to realize how much people (including myself) have the tendency to misjudge others. Even if we're "not a judgmental person," we still think we have ideas on what other people of other countries, races, and beliefs are like. "One day." Thirdly, I dig me some reggae. (Reggae-pop)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fearless Friday

So.... Last night while I was at work, I decided that I wanted to try this themed weekday. FEARLESS FRIDAY. I was hoping that this idea would motivate me to get out of my box, and do something I either don't usually do, or something I'm always scared to do.

Today was the first day of Fearless Friday, and every time I think of something I'm afraid to do, singing in public always comes to mind. So what do I do? I went on campus, sat at a table in the student center with my dear roommate, Meka, and sang San Francisco by The Mowgli's. I had it recorded.............. And I thought it was in my SD card..... Turns out it wasn't.... But I did it! Meka is my witness!!! Maybe I'll try it again just to post it up. Anyways...


Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Different Kind of Mold

Explanation: So, for one of my classes, I was given an assignment to make a cultural diorama about myself. It basically highlights 3 things from my life that connects to my culture, and how these things made me the person I am today. I was hesitant to put this up due to some personal things being revealed, but I feel very passionate about it. I want to be able to express on my own blog how I became "me," why I love "me," and why I have confidence in the "me" that I am.

1st Artifact - Social:

This photo of myself and my friends when we were in 5th grade show the cultural diversity I was surrounded by, growing up. And later, after moving from California to Arizona, I found myself surrounded mostly by caucasians and other white ethnicities, causing me to still be considered as a “minority.” This has shaped the person I’ve become in that I don’t really see other races as “different.” I feel very blessed to have been able to befriend so many cultures and am able to embrace, and take interest in, others’ cultures. I am not limited by my own race. That is something that I have grown to believe and love.

2nd Artifact - Cultural:

My home was probably not the best environment to have been raised in when I was young. For various reasons, it was uncommon for there to be a day when there wasn’t yelling, arguing, or abuse. It’s a childhood that a child can’t really forget. There was one thing, however, that helped me make it through. Whenever there was an argument or other things happening, my older sister would always tell me to watch something with her instead of listening to what was happening outside of our room. This would usually come in the form of either a movie or a Japanese cartoon. Because of this, I am fond of these things even today - whether it is to escape and take a break from reality, or bond with the people around me.

3rd Artifact - Ethnical:
Excuse me if I am being… racially insensitive, but I felt that a Twinkie would represent myself well. I believe that culture is more than just the color of your skin. While on the outside, people only see the “yellow” side of me, on the inside, they don’t realize that there’s a whole lot of “white” there, too. Many people have placed me into a label, or made stereotypical remarks because they only see my appearance. It isn’t until they get to know me that they realize, I’m extremely Americanized. Some people are even shocked by my religion because of my race. I still love my traditional culture, and I love my race, but these experiences have also molded me into the person I am today. A person who desires to be “American” and considered as such without judgments according to my race. I now have desires to be as far away from the stereotypes as possible. While this may seem like turning away who I’m “supposed to be,” I don’t believe anyone is “supposed to be” anyone or anything. I believe that we can create our own molds and be a different kind of label in itself. We can be someone who is different from how we appear.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Revived and Alive

Dear Blog,
I'm sorry for neglecting you.
Love, Kathy.

Happy New Year!!!! :D
New Year's Eve was awesome! I spent it with my two favorite people and had a blast!

And a big Happy Birthday to me. :)
Since returning to Utah for school, I also got a new phone (inherited from sister) in which I now have instagram, snapchat, and other apps. Let's just say it's been consuming most of my free time. 
Once again, I'm sorry, blog. I still love you.