Saturday, March 14, 2015


My poor blog. I've been neglecting it. D:
A lot has happened, but I'll just talk more recent/current.

My beautiful friends, Angela and Andrew, got married and I had the honor of being one of Angela's bridesmaids! They were sealed in the Sacramento temple, and the whole reception was wonderful!
After their wedding, since we were already in the area, Evelyn joined me on an adventure to San Francisco for my birthday. <3
I also got my first speeding ticket ever on the way back to Utah...... But moving on!
Due to some complications, I ended up homeless after making it back to Utah, so I decided to move back home to Arizona. As sad as I was to part from my dearest friends, we're still in touch and I'll see them again soon!
I was a little bit frustrated about moving back home though, because I felt like there wasn't really anything meant for me here (aside from my family). I was glad to find that I was wrong. While my first month was rough, I've been able to be here for many of my high school friends' mission homecomings, and reconnect with them. Especially with one of my best friends, Heather!
And now that I'm here, I've been able to get a job working with kids, reconfirming that studying Elementary Education, really is something I want to pursue for myself. I've also been able to have more time to work out. If you know me, then you would also know that I hate working out. However, I really want to be more fit, and healthier. Healthy enough to be able to eat whatever I want without feeling like I'm unhealthy.. If that makes sense. So, because I've committed to getting fit, I have to commit to working out. Which actually hasn't been so bad! I feel really good when I work out!

So I have been great! There are also some other spiritual reasons for why I'm feeling so great, but all in all, moving back here has been good for me, and I feel renewed.