Sunday, February 19, 2017

A New Year

Holy moley. It's been forever. My poor blog. Haha I struggle with the idea of really updating an entire year's worth of updates, so I'll just give you 2016 in a nutshell.
I finished my 3rd grade practicum in a fantastic classroom, with a fantastic mentor, and fantastic kids. I took a spring term to get some final classes done, along with martial arts (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu), which was seriously awesome. I also started dating someone over the summer and fell in love for the first time. <3 what an experience! I cannot even begin to describe what an experience that was for me. Maybe someday, I'll write another post about it.
Here's where it gets rather depressing (unlike the theme of this blog, but it gets better! Haha)....
As the fall came, I experienced my first love-related heartbreak - that was also an experience that I may one day write a post about. My internship had begun, my self-confidence took a hit, and insecurities overwhelmed me from all angles. My grandma passed away, and while it was peaceful, the thought of death settled in my mind - in the sense that I feel left behind.
In regards to my internship (as this is the most current struggle), it is probably the hardest thing I've ever done so far. I'm teaching for the first time with my own classroom and my own kiddos. However, I want to put out there that although it has been hard, I love these kids so much. To have the honor of seeing them grow and learn is an amazing thing and I would take a bullet for them (a dream I had the night before the first day of school, in fact) - point being, I would do anything to ensure their safety. Which I would say is a pretty good sign for a teacher!

So the end of 2016 was crazy. Now it's 2017, and boy am I glad! I have been rebuilding my confidence and individuality. I'm rediscovering things I enjoy and making decisions for myself that are inspiring me to lead a fulfilling life. Someday, I hope to write those things in detail, as well.