Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy Birthday! To me!

Huzzah! It is my birthday today - also National Spaghetti Day, apparently! I am now a... dashing? lovely? stupendous?... 22-year old! Haha.
To be honest though, I feel like every birthday doesn't feel much different. It'll probably hit me in like, half a year or so. Haha But I am grateful to have been born on this day to experience life! (Even though I may have a weak respiratory system for having been born in January.)

I feel like I've met a lot of amazing people in my 22 years of life. Many things have happened to me, both great and not so great. So far, despite the not so great stuff, I'm pretty happy with how I've turned out! I can only hope to keep this up til next year. ;)

So my video isn't much, despite it being my birthday because it was also the first day of the new semester! I did go out to Red Robin and Starbucks for free food with my sister earlier this evening though. :) I did my best to try to compile what my day was like though! And probably what most of my days typically look like, actually. Haha Enjoy!

UPDATE: My awesome coworker, Beth, got me Taran Wanderer by Lloyd Alexander for my birthday! I was seriously so touched! Thank you, Beth! Hopefully I can record myself reading it sometime within the year. :)