Monday, January 27, 2014

M^3: San Francisco

I know, I know. I didn't do Fearless Friday. But look! I'm doing my Monday Music Muse, so I'm still kind of on top of things...? Haha

ANYways, my MMM for today is... San Francisco by The Mowgli's!
I seriously want to make a music video of my roommates to this song. It's like... our theme song. It's our go-to song to sing to. In fact, I'm going to dedicate this post to all of my lovely roommates because half of them are sick. <3 I not only love this song because of my roommates, I love the lyrics. It's all about love! It doesn't cost a single penny to just be a little bit nice to someone. So reach a hand out, say hi to someone new, heck, just smile at everyone! I'll admit, this is something I'd like to work on some more, but this song is really inspiring! Just love.

Here's the thing about "love." It's both overused, and and not used enough.
There are some people who use "the L word" as if it's some other word like "the," or "ok." Making it almost meaningless whenever that individual uses it. Then there are other people who don't say it enough to the people they care about. I know that we all have different love languages, but I think it's healthy for both parties to just say it every once in a while (and mean it). :) Which brings me to my point: say it just enough for it to be known and meaningful.
I've been saying it more often recently, but I feel like, if it feels right, then just say it. I'm not going to over-think it and be concerned if "they take it the wrong way" or "should I have said that?" It feels right to say it, and for all I know, maybe they really needed to hear it from someone that day, hour, or minute. We all gotta stop stressing about "LOVE." <3

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