Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Spontaneous Excuse

I know that I've been slacking, but I have a good reason! This past weekend has been insanely amazing! So...... My friends have been planning a trip to go to Disneyland for at least a month now, and I was planning on going, but decided that I probably shouldn't for financial reason. When the day of departure came, 2 of the 3 drivers decided to not go anymore, but were still willing to pay for someone to go in their stead, so I was re-invited 7 hours before the time to leave. I was convinced seeing that it was basically free and they mostly needed another driver. So, a couple of hours later, I decide to go. We had a cleaning check, so I did that for a couple of hours after I got out of my class at 4, passed off the cleaning check, and did homework until the time we planned on leaving... 8PM. I asked to get off of work for the night, and it was fine as long as I was back in time for work on Sunday. And here's the extra kicker... It was my first time driving stick shift. It was awesome. And we were off! :)

So here are some photos of my very spontaneous Disneyland adventures!

Seriously, my favorite ride at Disneyland.

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