Friday, November 8, 2013

My best friend, Heather.

I know that I literally just posted some updates, but I'd like to take some time to write a post about one of my best friends. Her name is Heather Bybee. She has seriously been such a blessing in my life, and I am grateful to be a part of her life, as well.
I discovered Heather's photos before I met her. I fell in love with her photography, then I fell in love with her. Just kidding. Kind of. Not really. ANYways, we became friends on Facebook so that I could stalk all of her beautiful photos, transferred high schools, and discovered that she was in my seminary class! My initial thoughts were: 1) She's probably older than me. 2) She's too cool, and I'm too weird. 
Next thing I know, she comes up to me after school and tells me, "Hey, did you know that your cousin is coming back from Hawaii?" What. I knew that I had a cousin who was living in Hawaii, but I heard nothing of him coming back. I went home, asked my mom about it, and she told me, "Yeah! He is! How did you hear about that?" "This random girl from my seminary class told me." So I talked to Heather the next day to get the story from her (which is super great and funny; perhaps I'll share it sometime), and we've been friends ever since! 

She is a really uplifting person, and I learned to love myself a lot more from her. While she taught me that I can be beautiful when my self-esteem was pretty low, she taught me that there are a lot of good qualities that I should recognize myself. No, I'm not trying to sound conceited. I'm trying to sound like I have self-confidence. I like being able to say "I am a good person" and know it. And Heather helped me to find that in myself.

When people see that Heather takes pictures of me, I always feel like they probably think,"Oh, you're so lucky. You're best friend is a photographer so you probably just do photoshoots all the time." I mean, yeah we'll do photoshoots sometimes, but for the most part, we're too busy being weird, and eating food all the time.
Ihop after a hike
Which reminds me. After we became best friends, I realized that yeah, she's kinda cool, but she's mostly just weird. <3 Probably weirder than I am.
She probably won't like that I'm posting this on the internet... Hahaha
Anyways, the reason for this post, is because 1) I love her. Like, a lot. 2) She's currently on her mission in Provo, UT (where I am living), and I miss her SO MUCH. You're probably thinking, "Why don't you just go see her?" Well, the point of her mission is to be serving the Lord. I'd feel like she's serving me more than the Lord, unless we saw each other in coincidental/fateful circumstances. And it's difficult to just be like, "Hey Heather! Let's hang out!" I love that she's serving a mission, but I've recently been finding it hard that she's so close yet so far. </3 I love you, Heather Feather! I can't wait to go on adventures with you again after March 2015! Keep on keeping on!~

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