Friday, November 8, 2013

Endless Updates!

This past week has been busy, but most excellent! Just a few pieces of happiness though...
For FHE, we had our ward Thanksgiving Feast, in which my dear friends made turkey hands! It's silly, but I am seriously in love with "Gob with the Wind."

 Next, my classmates and I went to Big Lots to get a few things we needed for our PE class. There, I found what I wanted for Christmas.
Elvis covered, guitar-shaped, popcorn-filled wonderfulness

My PE teaching partner, Preston!
 Then, I taught my first PE class ever! I am teaching 6th graders in Springville, and they were a lot more awesome than I had feared.
Megan's like a planet with all of those hula-hoops!
These photos were from a couple of days before my PE teaching, but it was way cool! Evelyn (my roommate) and I went over to our friend, Angela's, house to help her with her homework. In other words, dropping powdered chalk-filled glass ornaments from her window onto a piece of poster board.

Finally, I got a letter!!! :D HALLELUJAH

This update is probably kind of lame, but it's seriously what helped me get through this busy, sleep-deprived week! TENDER MERCIES.