Saturday, February 20, 2016

Friendship moments

First of all, my apologies for not posting a video for yesterday. I did take a pretty funny one of my sister at the grocery store, but I don't have her permission to post it yet. Haha Also, last night ended up being much less wild than I thought it would be. I realize that I really do seem to get some form of anxiety at crowded places. I just get really uncomfortable really fast. 

Anyways, my post for today is going to be about one of my best friends, Hunter, because he came to visit me just now. Hunter and I have known each other for about... 3-4 years now? Since both or freshman semesters in college, and we've been best friends ever since. Although it doesn't seem like a long time, we've been friends with each other through all kinds of growing up we've had to do. We're totally different people from when we first met, but we're probably even closer friends than we were before. He went and served a mission for two years, and the only way I could communicate with him was through emails once a week and the occasional photos. Ever since he came back to school, we haven't been able to spend as much time together. He had his stuff going on, and I had mine. We're busy busy people (him in social ways, me in school ways). But every now and then, we'll hang out and catch up. Recently, it feels like it's been particularly difficult to hang out. We went from seeing each other at least every other week to every other month.

The last time we saw each other before today was probably at the beginning of January. As some of you know, a lot can happen in a month! In January, and through our random times of texting, I had been starting to feel like there was something wrong with Hunter. Our friendship didn't really seem to be the same? So today was good. I got some worries cleared up and I realized that he's been going through quite a bit.

He shared a "friendship moment" with me. Through various thoughts and decisions he has had, he decided that he needed to keep me as a friend, for sure. And I'm glad he did! Currently, in the place that I am at, I don't think I have a friendship like the one I have with him with anyone else. While our opinions, lifestyles, and priorities can be pretty different, there's this balance where we are on the same page still. 

So I'm just going to take the space on this post to personally thank him for always being the friend that I need. And I thank him for needing me too! Our lives may fall in different places, but I sure hope we'll always be friends!

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