Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What's A Liebstar Award?

I was nominated for this but I have no idea what it is, nor what it could possibly mean. Nonetheless, my beautiful and wonderful friend, McKenzie from In The Mix gave me this great honor! She's awesome, and hilarious, and definitely one of the weirdest people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting! Haha So without further ado...

1. What is your favorite section of the grocery store?
Probably that produce area. I like to think that I'm healthy. But if we're talking about my favorite section to buy from... Juice. Definitely the juice section. I probably drink more than juice than water. Juice IS my water. ...That's probably not the healthiest thing, but ya know... VITAMIN C.

2. How do you plan to survive the zombie apocalypse?
I don't.

3. What is the color of your carpet?
In Provo: What carpet?
In Arizona: The same color as my dog.

4. What is the current status of your food storage?

Uhhh.... We have a shelf full of pasta boxes! (I'll post a picture later.)

5. What would you want written on your tombstone?
"Died happy." Or something along those lines. The status of my death. (Hopefully I die happy!)

6. If you were a worm, how long would you be?

Hahahaha Whuuuuut. Uh. Not long at all. The length of my thumbs! (I'll post a picture later.)

7. Why does X stand for kiss and O stand for hug?

Because it's the shapes! Xs are kind of like lips locking, and Os are like arms around each other! (Did I get it right?!)

8. If you could only answer one of these questions which one would it be?

The zombie apocalypse one!

9. If you met the president what would be your one question for him?

Have you ever heard of the Book of Mormon? etc.... 

(Are these questions supposed to be about blogging?)
10. Why did you start blogging?

Because McKenzie (the girl who nominated me) inspired me! And I figured it be nice to have a place where I can write happy things about my life! (My journals are quite depressing...)

Next, next, next! I'd like to nominate my dear friend, Nicole over at Small and Simple Things. :) Maybe help her with her blog goals.

So here are your questions...

1. Who inspires you, and why?
2. What's an embarrassing moment you've experienced?
3. What frightens you beyond belief?
4. What is something you've tried once, but would rather never try/do again?
5. What song makes you cry every time?
6. If you could show your blog to anyone specifically, who would it be?
7. If you were famous for something, what would it be?
8. What do you enjoy about blog writing so far?
9. In what ways do you want your blog to grow?
10. If someone asked you about blogging, what would you tell them?

I hope you are well!!! Good luck, and have fun with this! :)


  1. I don't scroll facebook anymore so I wasn't aware this was posted. But I love it! Especially the zombie apocalypse answer ;) hahahaha
