Tuesday, August 26, 2014

New Place

I moved! This is now my room.

I left everything that I loved about my previous home (roommates, neighbors, church, etc.). And the only thing I didn't love (dishes). Now I am to find new things to love. (Although they will most likely also be roommates, neighbors, church, etc... just different.)

Change is hard. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before already, but I don't deal with change very well, at all.

However, ever since I came to the decision to not serve a mission, I felt very strongly about moving.
Especially to this particular house.

My dear friend, Charlotte, came to visit me in my new abode and shared with me something that Pres. Uchtdorf said:
Endings are not our destiny... there are no true endings, only everlasting beginnings.
I pondered this and started thinking that I probably don't like change because I feel like something is ending. Whether it is the possibility of a friendship ending, or a lifestyle.

This kind of understanding made me realize what has been helping me transition more smoothly than usual.

All the memories, relationships, and lessons I experienced over the past year are, and will be, with me. I get to keep those, and that won't change.

To everyone I've met in the past year: Thanks!

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